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Feed of @Francis

Hi I'm Francis! 👋

@Francis %+nIFNAoTfbJo19WgQUgrQIYsLqsCun9TmgbfvZnTMkI=.sha256
Voted I realized there is an unexplored santa avenue - "santa" giving troll prese
@Francis %5/9auAvd7ROUj8eapw2H1rOvHhHnarFsxmV334euylc=.sha256

@Mix Android a friend of mine brought up RetroShare and it reminded me of what you're doing with Ahau. Do you know anything about it?

@Francis %PfNX39GI9tFnkqoKPgEkME/SeGKEj3AqWU/ObCuswPA=.sha256
Voted ## accidentally got a new job I wasn't really looking, but have wanted to
@Francis %F9/9bcs/gHdLNQi2YzrLVKv8jQ7H/E3IwtdmdQH1bSk=.sha256
Voted At some point I wanna blog about this, but for now I'm just going to drop t
@Francis %JEvcKAtwxdr0l+GWJ5GBxIE0EZPv+5f17JA7YwzchFc=.sha256
Re: %TbfTgW8OA

I've been finding small groups of rad people on different mastodon servers. I love it.

@Francis %GReQCSaD9JBnL8TPIA1txgZPrDjKyc1w0ct1H0hKaFc=.sha256
Voted My favorite new use for AI is have the kids draw something, give me a descr
@Francis %VT8QfS+6KM8un8Pb3tq3gfa169ONn/kw+xnA66FnbRE=.sha256
Voted My family (8 of us) are moving out west for my wife to finish her schooling
@Francis %PBVnyzpPF5zwHnxN8ToI09TbbS0YN0XqnAx8KA3UMIY=.sha256
Voted My family (8 of us) are moving out west for my wife to finish her schooling
@Francis %wooDYQnqBZF/y76SHuy/BED0yhYoZZtcTYEk1ieiDbs=.sha256
Voted My family (8 of us) are moving out west for my wife to finish her schooling
@Francis %UDfJ0AvcDtL9SWxV6YvcL9MsYvTweo/z9U5YCk7Qk8Y=.sha256
Re: %yszUznfFT

It's always slower than we want :shrug:

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