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Feed of @Vagabond

Photographer, Community Manager, Investor, Learner

Founder &

@Vagabond %98F8MAeODj65FjTFntXkMFyMdGFn1RYgX85laENIwj0=.sha256

Join the Planetary Discord Server:

@Vagabond %okp9ks1AEcTm5+700DP6kxaFSKgnbVVHoLfq9J26QpQ=.sha256
Re: %qtRAphdIt

Never knew that! Wonder how they got there 🤔 in my opinion they’re the cutest cars on earth. Be aware that unless the roads in Uruguay are paved very well you will have a very bumpy ride - not the best suspension lol

@Vagabond %L8346e7onDTCkcjQsGU0NLQe9bkg1Z5nE2KbAJB+wnw=.sha256
Followed @Cy
@Vagabond %g9lBlg92dlH9pXdl5xI4BoBJhvRENSMdDgkhWUXdwk4=.sha256
Followed @Cy
@Vagabond %BawObb1FqHASgR0/4Po69W6YWGwYMLPexM74uXUM4lc=.sha256
Followed @Cy
@Vagabond %2iaDuSLT5Bjw9fAXCw40n3LirvDEaHhpHTgVHs6pb4k=.sha256

Hello Planetary!

Glad to be here - looking forward to seeing how much the platform evolves over time :)


@Vagabond %w8Exhs9bgo0u8xSTve+fBwCNzonhGIglYDe3r0JRkXk=.sha256
Voted Trying to make an affogato #showmeyourcoffee ![planetary attachment no.1](
@Vagabond %sAf53X0U9own/yeFnhafNjsM9TMeMMeB/kg7h17moGU=.sha256
Voted Trying to make an affogato #showmeyourcoffee ![planetary attachment no.1](
@Vagabond %ey4RIRu0Ca+c5EYvpBbZlSNbpnk3SuHsZev5tEAr7NA=.sha256
Re: %cudeBb0Uf

Not bad 😂

@Vagabond %kBrRSRNJa4u3MDtLlQdgAidq1uQlrshl073TbzYSSP0=.sha256
Voted Yesterday I wrote [about what we’re doing with planetary](%TODxeCHVld4R0rag

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