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Feed of @jaccarmac

Canadian and Orthodox. Programming language, roguelike, and trackball enthusiast.

@jaccarmac %hNzBvoWrMhJP+EiwHuyfrEq1yQxyMHCRGtCHV+tCAL0=.sha256
Followed @Poetry Pub
@jaccarmac %Ei4dPV2M8rT3siMs07OkasOIy7JuwbNmNriy/n+5hz0=.sha256
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@jaccarmac %Jv8PMkyABJStWmU9AYK+e3immyKsBUlcJBynm2NThF0=.sha256
Voted "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a quest
@jaccarmac %TDmxxqpr9+4QNjC1pkKOjoSJxV4n7bzeYWvHmWDODHo=.sha256
Re: %CGz92wO/r

Something in the interactive fiction space or adjacent to MUDs is also an interesting idea for a space in which your view of a network of stable identities is unique and shifting over time. The mention of leaving marks, archaeology, and 1000 Blank White Cards reminds me of Emily Short's San Tilapian Studies.

@jaccarmac %rPR2kgfLAemQKdiDyUQVW4ngGvlyVY+1ojQtfBChHDQ=.sha256
Followed @SSB PeerNet USW
@jaccarmac %1jOGo7MIvlUGCS5o2vcKPKMGNxtBMHEKuDplLO9SIww=.sha256
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@jaccarmac %HcyJqdC2YtLlK7VuL7OQxB9xkVnGfroLlIyE47QUHqk=.sha256
@jaccarmac %DEZv3CrNNBZlKemWinn3+m4mIw3DuFxhJ47oPzK6WTA=.sha256
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@jaccarmac %d6yqyNHk+uzFlFcCkr2fS/tcVFG/sPGTx2V84yBPkfk=.sha256
Voted Maybe, just maybe, the oracle and Charlie Parker human wiki Phil Schaap can
@jaccarmac %/b9gtYKu3IzfQkqm5mrjVgNVwdFZARus1V89MZ1T1yQ=.sha256
Re: %vmUNQb1Ft

I'll do so. Thanks for the reference!

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