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@Olaf Art Ananda %ooQLLqIiZHp4EeFJ2xyEcBKyoBwsF3P2J1dyT2AULnc=.sha256
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@Olaf Art Ananda %1vdRtCYe3wb2mm/48aFVfXS9R5MXchK4FxaL1eW0A90=.sha256

C/C++ developer and QML designer wanted for an open source project.

So, we are going to create an app for mobile where we are going to use scuttlebutt as the protokoll and QML as the format for the feed.
That makes things easier when it comes to display formatted messages.
So you can write messages in QML and the mobile app will render them natively on your phone and the desktop.

The app will be written in C/C++ using Qt of course.

With this technique we are also able to create plugins for the app.

Have a look at

@ATMOS %mcaXre5dWvaC5tJehKCDye42oWrvCWdjoR0GABGks0k=.sha256
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