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@dan %8TsBdU1bgK6dzlwJRcAs0WC8j0yMKisIa5ij2lkq+K8=.sha256
Re: %i5CZl6/jL
  • create map of media and resources related to mmt/dark-crystal & how this interects with ssb and beyond
  • extract lessons and show notes from TLG episodes
  • update TLG index and review
  • do a wave of updates to css of
@dan %5R5p2HCz8eNssNt+hb90d+NU2UJi05o2e12hbPQH4cc=.sha256
Re: %i5CZl6/jL
  • complete presentations for underexposed
  • finish 50% complete presentations based on facebook trusted contacts
  • draft new presentations based on literature review
@dan %fY0eFYZlaapcHqzn+6AxZDMzZFucGvqlT21VswBPa3s=.sha256
Re: %i5CZl6/jL
@dan %i5CZl6/jLbkiQFn92yCCxVrbFDzEuRX3v1EM90JcsUg=.sha256
  • update website content
  • update code repos with alpha software notes
  • install locally various branches of DC (choose your own adventure and latest master)
  • write retrospective review of last year (second retrospective)
  • map blog posts
  • prep dyne meetup
  • gather ideas about how to best make use of underexposed residency
  • prep update for mu day 0
  • clean up accounts for DBL and get all end of threads sorted
  • prep next wave of dark crystal diaries
  • do OTF related research from xmas meet up
  • accounting stuff
  • check through midway review and map out todos from that call
  • start prepping white paper
    • literature review of fourth factor authentication
  • review ssb white paper and see if can contribute to get it over the line / referenceable
@dan %1TUuxjcuiA8OQZo7hQwBQuDvkQTyMOBswIHxeI3BlsU=.sha256
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