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#FreeSpeech #HateSpeech #fascism #libertarianism #moderatism


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(Them:) I care about free speech!

(Me:) That's cool, I mostly agree! What about hate speech?

(Them:) But free speech!

(Me:) Have you heard about The Paradox of Intolerance?

&quot;if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them."

(Them, understanding:) Sure, 'free speech' excludes hateful & intolerant views that attack & denigrate classes of people.
(Me, replying:) Great! We can continue to explore whether this is a safe relationship to be in.


(Them, persisting:) I still think 'free speech' includes hate speech.
(Me, replying:) Ok! Well, we learned something about each other then. Byeeee

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