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@cel-desktop %8XIxiRPnbyLYT6sodOrdOlZqlYdD1JjcUHNXcrCAv1s=.sha256
Voted keybase is irrelevant to me. i have a strong aversion to software projects
@xj9 %dFUItlxs5rI1GE6XDYBQb2YYvtCHbgHMyCPO9LLE3SM=.sha256
Re: %1tUzKnnNE

keybase is irrelevant to me. i have a strong aversion to software projects with corporate stewards. the argument for building your own stuff or preferring community-driven projects over "community-friendly" corporate stewards is pretty convincing once the treadmill bites you a few times. its impossible to know if your favorite steward will survive or not so the future of the software and attached services is automatically called into question in these cases. if the corporate steward take steps to avoid making themselves a single point of failure, i can start trusting the system because i can run my own infrastructure if necessary. unfortunately, this is at odds with capturing profits for the market segment for a service like keybase that depends on network effects for utility and its value prop.

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