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@mix %+E4lY+kFWgvdFkwVaHe9J8IFFw9ilxxVACkj4pg3w6E=.sha256
Re: %FOyO23xiO

hey @dominic can you make a couple of things clearer for me :

  • does <id:a> mean my identity <id> , but version a of it
  • what is <hops:in> and <hops:out>
    • does "in" mean "I declare this person to be a distance of 1 hop from me"
    • I just didn't undestand this sentence at all really:

      This can represent following someone but not their friends by saying A:{B: [1, 2]} which means A follows B, B will have a hops of 1, but any one B follows will have hops 3 (unless they are followed more directly by someone else)

The idea of weighting sounds good. I've been noticing how and where I have been using follows. Often I want to be able to mentions someone easily so I have to follow them, which seems wrong.
Often there's a new person who I guess is in a minority and I want to ensure they're replicated reliably, so I follow them - but I don't really know if we're going to be 'friends' ...

I think it could be interesting to collect ways people are using follows to hack different needs

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