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@Dominic %+R4Aos1x1ZJEvxPbrdU7k7Kc3jAMyUBUmux9/+frc5w=.sha256
Re: %onsTSydD5

@johnny you want us to listen to you and change the process... but why do you expect us to change for you if you arn't also prepared to change for us? collaboration is a two way street.

@dinosaur did propose a "just give people money" system, but I argued against it on the basis that i didn't want to decided who was and who wasn't quite in the in-group.

I could have also just provided a salary to a couple of people, that probably would have been a reasonable idea, maybe one that other people would have taken.

Instead we went with a system that more widely distributed a fair chance at getting a grant. (including such features as even I have to apply for a grant)

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