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@cryptix %+Ya8OJ+vInhONVsqidQ3THBqGACp1WvoIMTeQ/PwZTQ=.sha256
Re: %oJNHftohz

I think what I'm going to go straight for is bundling that into an installer.

I haven't seen the windows installer framework, ideally we could just add another .exe to be deployed and be done with it, same for darwin. Are you still using for this? I can keep that in mind/work on it as I polish #scuttle-shell more.

The remaining doozy is: how to bundle install systrayhelper. I don't think it can be started from inside the appImage, but then again so is electron... have to do more reading on the format.

The fallback would be to just copy it out of the image, maybe into .ssb/contrib/systrayhelper and start it from there.

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