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@dan %+aliU5bnL0Aq4gpM70nKCg3VWOYIAxOLRy54TsCUPBM=.sha256
Re: %brayVJUac
  1. being open to one another about how much we're being paid
  2. being involved in each other pay
  3. trying out what doing that is like with a multisig wallet

:+1: agree

It seems like we're already embarking on (1) & seem to be zooming in on (2). We're yet to figure out the practicalities of (3).

I also really resonate with what @mix has said here in relation to @peg's comment:

For me, my focus is on what the dynamics are like. I love @peg's invitation to pay very close attention to the emotions that come up as we do this. For me I think that's going to be an order of magnitude more instructive than the details of multi-sig.

I'll wait to hear back from @Alanna, @Kieran & @peg before jumping in. Feel like it's good to pause and see if we have an agreeable proposal here, or it if needs more tweeking.

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