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@mix %+vnbtdnNIKIn2ZUlU7sZ5OXeCSmH6YbTaabTCq0mVOc=.sha256
Re: %iwRnl7Aoj


reviewed some of @Josiah 's code on the new tags feature.

Paired with @piet on scuttle-book as an examplar helper app for particular domains. This is in prep for ssb-loomio / scuttle-loomio.

In the course the the day also:

  • wrote comprehensive documention for ssb-about
  • did early testing of the new scuttle-testbot that @piet wrote
    • learning how to use it so I can teach others
    • using it in scuttle-book
    • helping refine the api (it's now really similar to scuttlebot)

I've been less active on the grant in the past week and will be for another week - I'm currently doing some more work for a deadline on #ticktack

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