It works! Here's a rust implementation (gist with syntax highlighting and tests):
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
/// Find the power of two <= the given number (`None` for 0).
fn prev_power_of_two(n: u64) -> Option<u64> {
if n == 0 {
} else if n.is_power_of_two() {
} else {
Some(n.next_power_of_two() >> 1)
/// Return the set of sequence numbers whose hash the n-th message has to include.
pub fn link_to(n: u64) -> BTreeSet<u64> {
// Each natural number can be uniquely decomposed into a sum of powers of two (i.e. a binary
// representation). The set of messages to link to depends on this decomposition:
// Begin with an additional accumulator of zero, then for all those powers of two in descending
// order: Add the power of two to the accumulator and link to the message whose sequence number
// is one less than the accumulator. Note that this results in the zero-th message not linking
// to anything, and each other message links to at least its predecessor. Each message links to
// as many previous messages as the binary representation of the sequence number has ones,
// resulting in O(n * log(n)) total size of the feed.
let mut acc = 0;
let mut out = BTreeSet::new();
while (n - acc) > 0 {
match prev_power_of_two(n - acc) {
None => return out, // the zero-th message links to no other message
Some(largest_pow_2) => {
acc += largest_pow_2;
out.insert(acc - 1);
debug_assert!(out.len() == (n.count_ones() as usize));
return out;
/// Compute the smallest possible certificate that proves that m transitively links to n.
pub fn find_min_cert(n: u64, m: u64) -> BTreeSet<u64> {
assert!(n <= m); // Good luck finding a certificate otherwise.
let mut cert = BTreeSet::new();
// The smallest certificate is obtained by iteratively following backlinks starting at m, going
// to the smallest message greater or equal to n.
let mut current = m;
while current > n {
current = *link_to(current).range(n..).next().unwrap();
// Since the backlinks can jump up to the next-smaller power of two in each iteration step,
// the certificate contains at most O(log_2(n)) entries.
return cert;
/// Check whether a given set of messages proves that message m transitively links to message n.
pub fn check_cert(n: u64, m: u64, cert: &BTreeSet<u64>) -> bool {
assert!(n <= m);
// The backlinks have been chosen in a way such that a certificate is valid if and only if it
// contains the minimal certificate.
return cert.is_superset(&find_min_cert(n, m));
/// Suppose we have message n, and a peer wants to verify that it is signed by some m. While it is
/// easy to find a logarithmically sized certificate for a pair of messages via
/// `find_min_cert(n, m)`, there's still a problem: We don't know in advance which m the peer will
/// provide. Storing the results of find_min_cert for all possible m takes linear space, which we
/// want to avoid.
/// Instead, we need to store a logarithmically sized set of messages depending only on n, such
/// that the union of this set and the corresponding set for m is a valid certificate for the pair
/// (n, m) for any n and m. This function computes such a set.
pub fn cert_pool(n: u64) -> BTreeSet<u64> {
let mut pool = BTreeSet::new();
// Let (l + 1) be the largest power of two less than or equal to n, and let (o + 1) be the
// smallest power of two greater than n. The certificate pool needs to contain message to cover
// the following cases:
// m <= l <= n
// l <= m < n
// n < m <= o
// n <= o <= m
match prev_power_of_two(n) {
None => {
// For n == 0, the cert pool is just the zero-th message itself.
return pool;
Some(prev_pow) => {
let l = prev_pow - 1;
let o = (n + 1).next_power_of_two() - 1;
// Intuitively, we make sure that we can connect o to n, and n to l, and l to 0, in a way that
// we can always "catch" m in-between. The last case where o < m is handled by symmetry (the
// certificate pool of m "catches" n in-between).
pool.append(&mut find_min_cert(0, l));
pool.append(&mut find_min_cert(l, n));
pool.append(&mut find_min_cert(n, o));
// All three of those sets are logarithmic in size.
return pool;