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@cel %/5uZx1Nq2UWyt4TVo/8gDXjCsxvFnGR5KE/rZzx/ZAU=.sha256
Re: %m6JoXt048


#patchfoo now fully supports line-comments: %LFugmYZ... %hYemPU0.... you can view existing ones, reply to them, and create new ones.

the library here is a module, ssb-git: %2jFBtZV... %/RmcCMZ.... this should be suitable for building git-ssb integration into other ssb client UIs.

screenshot showing a comment thread with composer for a line comment:

next i might try to make better support for pull-requests in patchfoo, or start on one of the other git-ssb issues.

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