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@The Writer of Posts %/bOk+geJBqNyhzN+VT5VNeP0yheAsWTa8tYXZSB7kxI=.sha256

From the scuttlebutt FAQ:

Replication of larger files could be implemented by integrating bittorrent (or even better, webtorrent).

Is anyone working on that? All I know is there's #blobs

@cryptix %cOupHgZtfCFFk6YtevhxqzzG75zeXI4ZXvvRLAOijtw=.sha256

webtorrent was used for ferment but made problems IIRC. how much integration are you looking for? adding info-hashes to content is quite easy, as are DAT or IPFS links.

@The Writer of Posts %jlLKWoEb5OO5MnLQRXexlRTTEv8udli5KXt6xw596dY=.sha256

I was reading this more along the lines of "webtorrent might become a second channel to spread blobs."
similar to the way manyverse can use wifi, internet, and bluetooth for gossip.

@beroal %d9tcCpbyLuCGaefkBpCfNtxocrp+/8T4rPPUCfh9hX8=.sha256
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