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@Lenny Abramov %/zMgdZQsU1FWjFLwYYK77DyTHz86HfmQLLuFDeCublA=.sha256
Re: %TAWyfC+cS

@kas It's interesting to hear about your perspective as a user of multiple social networks. I was on Facebook a few years ago, and I wasn't very active, so good to know my thoughts make sense to someone with real experience :smile:

You got the channels/tags distinction right. Also this:

it would be very nice if a channel here on SSB had a pubkey I could subscribe to without having to follow the person who created this channel in his taxonomy of posts. It would be like following a subset of that person

That's what I meant, indeed! In my hypothetical platform you simply can't follow people, you can just follow their channels. You can't even send a direct message to a person! But that's admittedly a very simple, limited platform. It's a thought experiment. Is this a consistent design, one that would stand on its own, perhaps as a complement to other platforms? Or does it need additional features in order to create a meaningful experience?

You're hinting at a combination of my proposal with SBB, and that's of course something I'm thinking about. It would bring in a whole new level of complexity, though. Many parameters to define, a lot of freedom... not easy to justify all choices.

@mixmix Thanks for the kind feedback, I'm happy that my English is clear to a native speaker. And I'll search for an image, good hint :wink:

The only reason I didn't even mention SBB, which as you point out is absolutely relevant to my abstract ideas, is that I want to talk about it in a dedicated post - just give me some time :smiley:

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