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@Cinorid 💻 %06TMQbNAaFkUBhbqSQL8QxFlipWwtxskyhnL6ZX7Zrs=.sha256

Hi @andrestaltz
We Iranian people need your urgent help.
Please add a way to connect directly via WiFi-Direct. It has been more than 14 days since the government cut off the internet and most people are not aware of each other's conditions. People are being shot and dying.

Please help us to communicate.

@~daan 📟 %Zi45wQjV+5Ji/e4Vg0mOpFq10DYJ81phLjLd4tnvi3Q=.sha256

I think opening a WiFi hot-spot on one phone, then connecting to that phone from the other devices might work?

That being said, always be super careful what you use ssb for! Most information here is not only public but also can't be erased!

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@Cinorid 💼 %9mQNZdSHpuRWkVsGJOI17m8cAqEPYkoMAJWNR3W/rrE=.sha256

@Daan p20 📟 @Techpriest Baunach Main @Spencer @andrestaltz📱
Thank you all.
Unfortunately, in the last two months, I was not able to connect to the rooms for unknown reasons, and I think the SSB communication protocols were blocked. Even now, I managed to send this message through a VPN.

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