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@andrestaltz %0JnZbBiBkuZ6WSa430YidOtqZXOi7eikhxmd+ZVXfpY=.sha256
Re: %HJTzjmTcr

Thanks @Piet for your half-a-year effort on this quest! The parts that went downhill were sad, but I'm glad we got to a good conclusion (essentially what you answered as the happiest path forwards is how we're concluding this, verbatim). I'll make the second payment in ETH as soon as I get your wallet address. I still want to do a proper retrospective that covers all the quests, and it touches topics such as video calls. On this quest in specific, it was very challenging (from the beginning) technically and coordinationally, because it involved legacy and complex code, communication with Dominic and me (we're both quite busy and hardly can do good guidance), known unknowns and unknown unknowns. I was expecting that the quest adventurer would be up for a very intense and independent adventure, but expectations are also the kind of thing that should be communicated a priori. All that said, this thread is now immutable and recorded forever on our butts, will serve future adventurers well, with 2 new modules, lots of technical discoveries, and data on project coordination. Initial sync and replication performance is probably going to be a never-ending source of problems, so this thread is definitely valuable.

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