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@andrestaltz %0VtVO/CUlv6IAvtDGXA9TTePPmSUfCj/p4VOHKuXWjk=.sha256
Re: %43k0U0uGU

I'm sad you had to go through shit-talking from that account, Mikey. Reading the other tweets from similar accounts, those are people worth ignoring. They just want your attention directed towards them, don't allow them to have it. Nevertheless, I think your counter-comments were noble.

if Scuttlebutt is to survive, i think we should split this big ship (singleton network) into a floatilla of smaller ships (small world network).

This is key. I think they picked up on one key message of yours:

we will not be good hosts to fascists either, they should build their own infrastructure.

We can be understood as "The Scuttleverse Singleton", which is the most common interpretation of social networks, because all of them are singletons, or quasi-singleton federations. In reality, SSB is radically different, making it impossible to prevent fascists from using SSB if they so wish to.

It would help if next time we say simple something along the lines of "this particular sub-network of the scuttleverse won't welcome fascists".

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