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@piet is currently in Japan, which I'm super envious of. I totally fell in love with Kyoto while I was there and wanted to share the places I thought were really special


This is an area with a lot of temples, but I went for the bamboo forest, which did not disappoint.


There were also some temples with amazing gardens




I was a massive snob and was like "pff, how many temples can you see... given there are dozens here they can't all be that great". I feel like suchs a doofus. I went to this one temple on a hill, just tagging along with someone who was in the hostel I was in Kiyomizu-dera Temple.
Stunning. In retrospect Japan taught me a lot about architecture. There's a body experience to being in and around certain structures. This place was made all out of wood.



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When I went, there were young people by the river playing music, and hanging out. This river was niceto talk at night, but here's where these photos were taken . There's a Lawson you can buy beer at right next to here and then drink it by the river.



There are also some really sweet little alleyways ... like this one which is nearby

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Gion Matsuri

There was a festival on while I was there. Everyone was wearing kimono / yukata, inluding in the clubs while out dancing. I think it might be a month after you're there Piet


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The Moss Temple


This is a temple you have to write to ask to attend (in japanese). A friend helped me with that. There are a bunch of temples which are themed like "grasshopper temple". Some of theme are open to the public, and some ofthem are practicing buddhist temples - I was politely turned away from one, where a monk asked if I was buddhist and whether I was seeking counsel from a monk. They weren't being jerks, they looked really busy.

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Kurama / Kifune


I'd highly recommend this area. I took a train up to Kurama and walked over to Kifune shrine. It was getting dark as I headed up the temple steps in Kurama - a local stopped me and said "it's going to get dark, it's late". I thanked them and headed into the forest, which promptly got dark. I was running to beat the light.

Arriving in Kifune on dusk was amazing though. The shrine was tastefully lit, and the trees were beautiful. If I could go back I'd love to stay a night in this area. I was magical... and @Alanna tells me there's an onsen somewhere (not sure if it's kurama or kifune side).

I had my longboard so skateboarded down on the road of the Kifune side, which was super sweet
If you don't mind a nauseatingly unstable video of that, see here :

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aahhhhh! I'm so envious
thanks for positing photos @piet

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