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@aljoscha %1CEYUx9YXrUeQ9Q2s61Np+uaCI7tt4Mn0NoCXziEIDU=.sha256
Re: %K/XMsjI8+


@gwil is essentially working full-time on implementing (and documenting) willow. He has funding for converting the current earthstar codebase (typescript) to willow, which involves, well, implementing willow. We are waiting to hear back on a funding application for doing rusty willow things as well.

For me, it is primarily a research project, but one that I would really like to see used in the world. Also I'm slowly funneling some students toward the codebase.

We are not quite in the place for the big announcement on scuttlebuttâ„¢ yet, but we are slowly getting there. Ideally even before scuttlebutt has emptied completely =D

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