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@Soapy mcSoap %1H7/mDRJYqidxyQ4ioyO4XWNW2ojJFSuCQvrcU/j4M0=.sha256

The only missing browsers are MS Edge, Opera, and Safari.

  • MS Edge: I'm waiting for approval.
  • Opera: appears to be a bit crazy, more info in the issue on GH. I might bump it to tier-3 alongside Safari since it looks like it will require its own manifest. Are there any Opera users here?
  • Safari: This is tier-3 and will be pursued after Patchfox supports go-ssb. It does work though and I have it running here.
@Soapy mcSoap %LER5Eh1wFHrAp1uY2tK+CVlQJtU08O5MwS7NrpKX8vY=.sha256

Am I missing any browser that supports WebExtension API? I think I got all of them covered now...

@Soapy mcSoap %0HoCbcSOVjlYP2JkWMV+wyYHV913JjgZSLIO8ZHGw2g=.sha256


It works on Opera too, just need them to approve the add-on.

@Soapy mcSoap %cKWviPWepL2jdBAuAIX3nYifBeHg2fZI3vvJfwDpgYk=.sha256

This means that Patchfox has been tested and works on all major browsers now.

@Soapy mcSoap %XWsEludmsfdH2ZtQ84wqYhv/zzoYdFlmhq4HPk5Icd4=.sha256

From the convo with the review system:

Patchfox v2021.6.2 on Opera Developer: Published.
Patchfox v2021.6.2 on Opera Next: Published.

Moderator's note:

Your extension needs to be manually reviewed and moderated before it can be added to Opera Stable. It is currently only viewable and available for download in Opera Developer and Opera Beta.

So if anyone is using Opera Developer or Next, I'd welcome feedback.

@Soapy mcSoap %t1VXBXyhq020QpsyauH7qhKnHszu40OWoc0CwJUzYXY=.sha256

Patchfox is now available for Microsoft Edge users.

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