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Feed of @Soapy mcSoap

Writer and Developer from Brazil living in Edinburgh.

@Soapy mcSoap %w5zH8EqkjwVYYY5QtaeTQNaH4K+6FTrJ9iYCnYWbE5g=.sha256


#tildefriends built flawlessly out of the box here. Excited to check it out. Thanks for the hard work, @Cory ~😎

@Soapy mcSoap %rBt1jXi+xttheBMVRkP6jqifM1ZpYJMK7b225ld8JGg=.sha256
Voted doing #decemberadventure with some friends. it's like advent of code, excep
@Soapy mcSoap %FU/lmhqu8BA3FJWiIRvNIJW8G3+GpEj74GNw+Hwu60Q=.sha256
Re: %dBRd9V5sP

@Cory ~😎 and @notplants,

🚫 understands invites

This can be done outside the binary. For example, with #project-moon-hermit I attempted something similar, a command-line scripting engine that knows muxrpc. It just needs minimal muxrpc support. As long as you can get the feed you want and then process messages with some language, you can implement the whole invite handling outside the main "sbot engine", which makes it easier to tweak and experiment with. (just my opinion)

@Soapy mcSoap %7Cr4EkiRzdtrSdJ+PHN9oPoXR5F5XVIYaXS+pwI27Rk=.sha256
Voted [@Cory ~😎](@s2DHBioEVOCxLclhB9teO+gRTeRswlj8X7h5l4KH7gQ=.ed25519) I was th
@Soapy mcSoap %Nlq7jlR2imwW5BJP5oW6VJiMHd/DVNHELwt3ZmuSLxc=.sha256
Re: %cxWNtH6tG

I really like that, @cblgh, this that would make things sooooo much simpler.

@Soapy mcSoap %RD3co9UcInNfKjctzUZrJfaX7CtvTKWnn2c8tRtRd64=.sha256
Voted so i had an idea that, quite literally, came to me in a dream last night. e
@Soapy mcSoap %Let5W6c01E5kZOd4hJMNrNlZv2U53hUuEuo2saZyDzk=.sha256
Voted old favourite of mine (I managed to be 23 years in the ssb future at one po
@Soapy mcSoap %Gkvj8vqz4/5jkl8GgEFLJvzXkXBErYi5KqeaaLv5Jxw=.sha256
Voted I regret to inform you, but despite my best intentions, I have built a Slac
@Soapy mcSoap %ZLXFiH6QDLSCamRzlKNhXQ53QKnGo8eZusTdjZB1iG4=.sha256
Voted Take out the dumpster and it could be [pick a year].
@Soapy mcSoap %63z5zy63ijK/AcCyKzx3PTmYI1q8lFE0sYnytVWjdlY=.sha256
Voted First Tilde Friends post to a channel.

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