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Feed of @Soapy mcSoap

Writer and Developer from Brazil living in Edinburgh.

@Soapy mcSoap %cBZYQew9qziCphxslJgqEAk7qSLMu2IY29BnPXMeY+Q=.sha256
Re: %ze7atZ93d

me too, then I just go to some craft while the app is open and by the time I finished and cleaned up, lo and behold new messages have arrived.

@Soapy mcSoap %Ixm8rpB0ZyU5nDjdtEOzlHcY3FjPpyP9a9lUlCHG890=.sha256
Voted That is a worthwhile end goal inded! Cider donuts > pumpkin spice
@Soapy mcSoap %/srnowePCzYYtjf27s03tyNUtni4vlz8xEsE/2XtCio=.sha256
Voted Did a group ride the other day. For cider donuts. #showmeyourhelmet ![im
@Soapy mcSoap %4BXiRh2tSWioAynu6Ybobb3gjb2go0/344jPkt/Ml94=.sha256
Re: %6JruhuGNu


I'm not using others right now. I used to enjoy Gemini a lot and tried NOS protocol as well, but they are not really what I'm looking for. I enjoy Mastodon but hate the design of the protocol, specially how chatty it is.

@Soapy mcSoap %c3JVUOxUTCCgYZSsngKmo7srGrKmwcmntQs/YQj9Axw=.sha256
Re: %ijaCZM3C/


Helmetdog reporting for duty


@Soapy mcSoap %G1D1iaAZZluWvQuM3LcLkjtnaFsUZ/ziDm0Nyxi3oRc=.sha256
Voted ![](&7udXnWSr4kzqv49qq0/aE4YQwMG0nt4Ai80BjVWfTK4=.sha256) Trying a fullfac
@Soapy mcSoap %tfsCah1tk61Y/F30jjNkZSDnCaK1e01Jv0Zq6oxhgDE=.sha256
Voted I am keeping this. ![image:wind_in_the_willows_boat_♥️.webp](&y44I9/OjYlCw
@Soapy mcSoap %j4o1ssO/v72Ru9pL9fD8NAgyYAiC9CRFponR+EUMSXQ=.sha256
Re: %6JruhuGNu

@vojta001 here I'm getting kinda between 20Mbps and 40Mbps which sucks for all the video calls I need to do. Guess the house being made of large chonky stone blocks is not helping, but it is so aesthetical.

@Soapy mcSoap %r7zsn6+xPIUk7ukmF8bEEDO5+UuGbBG5+HzLxTBv1mU=.sha256
Voted that's what I'm talking about soapy ssb is like love (that is an easy chai
@Soapy mcSoap %lOfwzJk+wP+e0vlSj/KYSDfj4R3Mfsr0ii4w3wVQcg4=.sha256
Re: %H6euVOt6v

@cblgh as soon as I am settled there, I'll post photos here. With some nice tea, my cat Cleo and SSB, I'm sure to find the calm there.

As for FreeBSD, I used it as primary for a while but I still prefer NetBSD (for no real good reason). I found that the easiest one to run on a PPC mac was actually OpenBSD.

I'd totally have a cephalopod as a flatmate, @epk 🦑

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