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Feed of @ओषधिः

Max Fowler

@ओषधिः %cZWZWkosHS2lvRh7zc92zVT4LLvQE7YYtIiwTqyCaJo=.sha256
Subscribed to channel #permacomputing
@ओषधिः %QxkcrqtAUPOYNNQ1m5VaQQ3NIDzsInTrDef9OPrVRTQ=.sha256
Voted old favourite of mine (I managed to be 23 years in the ssb future at one po
@ओषधिः %sIiNy9pqauqwW50u7LPHp/3sMqwRB1SfjU2UXthhQLE=.sha256
Voted RE: binaries, maybe my head is just polluted by AppInage/Flatpak/etc., and
@ओषधिः %PU/WlS3KYbvQQ0JtZI03cLr4nHXenILOYOBOStDjuW0=.sha256
Voted [@notplants](@5Pt3dKy2HTJ0mWuS78oIiklIX0gBz6BTfEnXsbvke9c=.ed25519) ngl i d
@ओषधिः %c7nZX1c9GhWwUdy3MjAzmK1OFqIJe64RW5t3omFJqFU=.sha256
Re: %9YBVla7gX

What would publishing binaries look like to you? There are so many options these days…

had no particular thought about this -- I just meant shared somewhere the I could download it and eventually integrate it into a peachpub yunohost package

did you have somewhere in mind?

@ओषधिः %CBKZ/la79YAYg/Fn1x9Xbe9tKd5GVDOGH8W1rzJ3FxY=.sha256
Re: %9YBVla7gX

indeed my comments are showing up in a strange order

I am not in the future, as far as I know, so I suspect a patchwork bug

(or patchwork feature, if its destabilizing the space-time continuum is deemed a feature)

@ओषधिः %+XXzj7eYI290ZFz2TtKBeU7mZyOdza0d56V5cUlm5sY=.sha256
Re: %hJBEUdCGh

@Cory ~😎 cool that it sounds like it would not be that bad ! will keep an eye on the issue and see if it gets to a point that a peachpub-tildefriends integration becomes possible

@ओषधिः %oaNAYJjyeALx7caDAZospfcWB4TG2q4Dq7DJLxeYPfY=.sha256
Voted [@notplants](@5Pt3dKy2HTJ0mWuS78oIiklIX0gBz6BTfEnXsbvke9c=.ed25519) > how
@ओषधिः %C041qiuuen0X2peEOOvnKjBjuw9oDU2iLa0Z/wrQxNk=.sha256
Re: %cxWNtH6tG

@cblgh this dream hack is also great for supporting users to think of their lives in terms of taylor swift eras, and getting beyond having a singular personal brand (side bonus)

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