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@Cory ~😎 %hJBEUdCGhIor6YLqOyLzEIjrFvTEfhuwjF59NijR/0s=.sha256
Re: %dBRd9V5sP


how long does the potential journey sound to you haha?

Nothing here looks terribly difficult, but my time to work on things comes and goes, so let's see where I get with it all in January.

I'll try to break it down / track progress here:

Conversely, I have zero experience with Rust. 😅

@ओषधिः %+XXzj7eYI290ZFz2TtKBeU7mZyOdza0d56V5cUlm5sY=.sha256

@Cory ~😎 cool that it sounds like it would not be that bad ! will keep an eye on the issue and see if it gets to a point that a peachpub-tildefriends integration becomes possible

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