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Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Okay, after getting my busy Loop Drop dev out of the way (that is, I did my gig and it went pretty well!), I’m finally ready to get stuck in to some patchwork/ssb development for the next few weeks!

The mythical offical Patchwork 3.8.x release has been a bit, uh.. not yet done. But I had to push out a release last week anyway because of that bug that came up and broke everything.

The issues standing in the way of getting it properly released are:

  • some strange feed ordering bugs (occasionally seeing the same posts repeated in the public feed, haven’t had a chance to get to the bottom of it yet)
  • the “unread” count sometimes isn’t updating on private messages
  • preserving unread message (the messages you haven’t yet scrolled past as unread)
  • ordering of thread posts (when you have the thread open, new replies appear in order they were synced not based on correct thread order — this can be pretty confusing)
  • better explanations for why posts are in feed (currently it only tells you that “person” replied, but if you are not following that person it isn’t helpful. The reason is normally because you subscribe to the channel/tag that a post was in, so the interface should explain this)
  • better handling and explanation of “missing posts” (currently the helper text assumes that you are not seeing a post because you don’t follow any FoaFs or that you block them — but the other case is that you haven’t yet synced a post. We should be using the new reply author tagging to give a more definite explanation, and the user interface should somehow communicate that a missing post is now available!)
  • missing post handling should also be extended to the message viewer when you try and access a message that hasn’t been synced (rather than just showing “Cannot Load Thread”)

In the mean time, I’m likely to keep pushing out some more pre-releases as the work is completed (or as needed).

But since everyone is very excited about finally getting those Multi-feed identities happening, I’m gonna start working on that ASAP but parallelise a bit and try and work on a few of the issues in the above list each day.

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