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@mmckegg %stBmrZZIXtmshEfbzmU4aZENzJ9585+NXY21IZCGNEo=.sha256

Patchwork Infinite Loading Issue

emergency 3.8.1 update available

If your feed is getting stuck, and you can't scroll past a certain point, you've a recent rogue message that has broken patchwork feed rendering :cry:

@Lynn Foster describes it here: %v2FQp2I...

Github issue:

This affects all previous versions. You'll need to update to the 3.8.1 prerelease to fix this (or pull and update the latest master).

At the time of this post, only a macOS build has been published. Hopefully other OS versions will be available soon.

@mmckegg %zlgM93dJSYh73TU7ExWGBOSu7dd5QWalBddvk10yQlM=.sha256

Was caused by @null_radix replying to a private message publicly (somehow). Might be worth following up on that to figure out how it happened?

This is a terrible suggestion, but as a temporary solution, you could unfollow them until there is an update available for your platform. Oh gosh, I feel so bad even suggesting this!

Please forgive me @null_radix :sweat_smile:

@Bob %RdSUeb0eKltfzfB+vFyX0APX73flAMvTt+nArKX/5Kc=.sha256

ahh sorry eveyone! chess wasn't working in patchbay (fixed now, just need to update my deps) so I responed to a private chess message on patchfoo. Which apparently caused the universe to exploded... oh mondays

@cel %fPKOAeBB+rIrEnPBYSQAN3sUd8Q0QNaXphPSQBOalHk=.sha256

patchfoo should make a message be private if it is a reply to a private message. but currently it assumes that a private message will have a content.recps property. do private chess messages not have a recps property?

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@Bob %3XAZENBSydDztdJhvV6O62T82AQ4B/mDuniBDFFZ0TU=.sha256

cel it happened here, %ih3rXR4... the message it was responding to has does not have a content.recps prop. Only "type": "chess_chat", root: <link> and msg: <text>

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@Bob %eskjkn1sU8R4cL61P+jy0QREFWjdyYi4nv8UvZVlf3A=.sha256

i wonder what other bugs we could find if we broadcasted malformed messages?

@tim %G9ypfxq10mH4lws4SOBEHCX+eEt0LmPtMWPVJF434rw=.sha256

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

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@cel %k8vLfSfLVNvGfstM1MZURm/0qWO4zVJYiWplC5cBRAU=.sha256

@null_radix ok, i've updated patchfoo now to make a reply private if the root is private but has no recps: %z0IflEe.... It will set the recps on the new message to be the author of the root message, and the current sbot id.

@Bob %IS8/wea3PwRkIEYfFG8Ae+kJSnetUEWufZvECejwRn4=.sha256

so i responed to chess privite message in patchfoo and now patchbay is broken for me, somewhere in the inbox

@Bob %hV8kcv637OmFr3F3cbkeX3Vf7gl1JI8mDC8YJf23/Zs=.sha256

ok fixed here %bLO7M+Y...

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@cel %AJqNehhn82KNv7aqwDAAYpaUA1zQYUayAv3DzuUWfXg=.sha256

@nanomonkey it looks like i dug a message that you don't have. to get it, you can either follow the author, or wait until their feed enters your FoaF range, or use a ssb client/plugin that uses ssb-ooo (so it can replicate the message from their feed "out of order")

@mmckegg %5mjm4vFWAV8wJm0BrxITtGvry28tC0L+Cz8K1grAvgM=.sha256

I've tried to address this a bit in patchwork by including a hint about the author of the post you are replying to in the message. It also serves as an index point for reply notifications. But it will require other clients to implement (and more people to be running new patchwork).

Here's what %YeYU/Lm... looks like:

    "type": "post",
    "root": "%stBmrZZIXtmshEfbzmU4aZENzJ9585+NXY21IZCGNEo=.sha256",
    "branch": "%hV8kcv637OmFr3F3cbkeX3Vf7gl1JI8mDC8YJf23/Zs=.sha256",
    "reply": {
      "%stBmrZZIXtmshEfbzmU4aZENzJ9585+NXY21IZCGNEo=.sha256": "@FbGoHeEcePDG3Evemrc+hm+S77cXKf8BRQgkYinJggg=.ed25519"

This means that if someone didn't follow anyone that follows me, but saw @nanomonkey's post, patchwork would be able to display who they should follow to get my post.

Oh, since barely anyone is using this yet, I'm open to discussion about changes to this. How I've "specced" it currently is, an object keyed by the IDs of messages you are relying to (currently just the one you clicked the reply button on) and the values are the author of that message.

cc @cel @mix

@cel %oTc6su8aGJAkwVWyJ9HdA5mBprTlvscH3IXQJ/7UOCo=.sha256

@mmckegg sounds good! related threads: %Bw6sVzo...

@mikey %Ur7/eUNNwqnK8DEjJ1V0d64Mk1gbhDQQ6SRAWKYeCR4=.sha256

:ballot_box_with_check: built and uploaded Patchwork-3.8.1-x86_64.AppImage to the v3.8.1 release

/cc @bobhaugen @lynn

@mmckegg %0AEC6/4pFnoFHX50SPJ+9q+0L9et5qgpjAXcTQSzXCA=.sha256

:ballot_box_with_check: built and uploaded Patchwork-3.8.1-windows.exe to the v3.8.1 release

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@SoapDog %CZQ9jUMjtDFBIv63BA+v+nvH2dZCB/tRhPPUHCtWwQI=.sha256

thanks @Matt <3

@mix %crZNFK6FVRH4CZY2kFnYe1vi04EJYVZh0LB45MQR698=.sha256

@matt on the theme of building ssb tools, not ssb UI as modules (e.g. ssb-loomio) I notice looking back that we might benefit from a ssb-post - mainly because we have some emerging specs, and we could hope that people follow them, or we could make it easy for them to follow them (if they want to).

Maybe I should just build it ...

@mikey %2rLRRHKdYbnaAH4UzgsItWH/kxPpNQpJoqclDJrHTbo=.sha256

hey @matt, should we mark v3.8.1 as a full release? it's currently a pre-release.

@mmckegg %2o/aj71gDWIj7v3PAhyztXMBfyi6ofMO1/YtQOsM+Co=.sha256

Hmm, we could. But there are still a bunch of bugs, and I don't feel like doing a change log yet.

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