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@dangerousbeans %1j5NyTldslgU8SzpJ7YKCWkWLwii12PT3El1zOuPkmo=.sha256
Re: %Wcp2fHph0

...someone appointed to managing finances and that person probably is the one saying "I don't think we can afford this and that right now". The assembly might overrule and say "whatever, let's just not pay the bill", the same way they could say "let's roam pirate infested waters".

This is actually the one area where Ethereum DAOs are most powerful, because it is easy enough to build in limits to spending when funds are not available or have been allocated to other things.

The other part of the project is more about bridging crowd decision making with the real world, with a kind of direct democracy mixed with accountable actors carrying out the will of the community.

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