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Feed of @dangerousbeans

forgotten city

🌱⌘ 🜂 🜄 🜋

@dangerousbeans %sFfQmjoNhm5sDs0Rj4AGWIOTFfOfxmIX44mlv60pzQo=.sha256
Voted Some of the best things I've seen in Edinburgh recently. This was on Blac
@dangerousbeans %jNOB1d/E3ynuXWF4k62gjQC/KPbgBYyCjhaY/VP1SuY=.sha256

Using GPT-4 to generate threatening legal letters to manifest your will unto the world is one of the best current superpowers

Sorry your headset is 4 years old so the warranty doesn't cover the worn out USB port

Thank you for your recent email regarding my RMA request for the Steelseries headset. While I understand that the product is outside of its warranty period, I would like to draw your attention to the Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) of New Zealand.

Under the CGA, consumers are entitled to products that are of acceptable quality and fit for their intended purpose. It is my belief that the Steelseries headset, which I purchased from PB Tech, falls under these requirements. As such, I would expect the product to last longer than three years.

Given this, I believe that the Steelseries headset should be replaced or repaired by PB Tech, as it is my understanding that under NZ law, a product must be fit for its intended purpose and meet a reasonable standard of quality. If this were not the case, I would not have bought the product in the first place.

I would appreciate it if you could review this matter further and consider my request for a replacement or repair of the Steelseries headset under the CGA.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

(literal minutes later)

#new-zealand #legal

@dangerousbeans %lb+DQcry9USSnnrb1ILp0BKAKmpJ1jop6I4LQyxBWek=.sha256
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@dangerousbeans %CkMeZFBMrwDjIj3J36U6qLoeHFNpQRXvQNrdGxBfZTY=.sha256
Unfollowed @Retired Energy
@dangerousbeans %3kgonNHI7RYGtMAHm7NnlpJ+2XYVLjwyaRInterwMew=.sha256
Followed @chalice
@dangerousbeans %PUYCSS1s35bTsODMa98nvwYfKRxGVoGcVlvuA545TbI=.sha256
Followed @Retired Energy
@dangerousbeans %mm11gZK3Hp4FV/QaSmGzl91ukMTWw7/qZ51+CrFryMI=.sha256
Followed @Matt Lorentz (Patchwork)
@dangerousbeans %xyyZ1kc72wHIoA91lKjfA9SOt3eIVn9r3kyIY3b/EA4=.sha256
Voted I just got some photos of me that I really like. I'm still working on my me
@dangerousbeans %l+cnjf+m8JQBjbN0bgWPZkDkSpBGeo48kS3M8yAkG88=.sha256
Followed @crowsmobile
@dangerousbeans %8KpASIKU/zT/eBFpB/qWHo530s+o1uycHZ2LRwpakPo=.sha256
Followed @S0ur_Patch

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