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@Soapy mcSoap %TTe669pCuqOnmSkhchWsMxbg0Ppr95Xlvnue+kJGRKo=.sha256

I just got some photos of me that I really like. I'm still working on my mental health and all those changes that life threw at me. Slowly, I'm finding myself and attempting to reflect that in my exterior as well...


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@mikey %EzBNSCEjTDGIqq143VDma5BqMiEAD0ljVIwONnrBwa8=.sha256


@Soapy mcSoap %XC07ZMutQNPPH+1DKFI7QHXJYjdN5mE1WwKhoA0KpKw=.sha256

@cblgh thanks a ton for the kind words my friend. I'm attempting the "fake it till you make it" method of looking good and healthy. I do feel better when I'm out and about town doing these writer cosplays.

@dinoworm 🐛 raaaawwwr! :D ahuauhahuauhahu

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@Matt Lorentz (phone) %Mv1W0BK35ROUL9tVuSzecev7NW/cEIgczf557KmOzdY=.sha256
Voted I just got some photos of me that I really like. I'm still working on my me
@Soapy mcSoap %hgG3KCgofWfU2Q6ZVLQ2XpkIfp2KOFj3yc3YJ9u+N1c=.sha256

@Nico thanks a ton. Been a long journey here and I'm not half way there yet. At least, I'm making progress. :D

@hoody@table manners thanks my friend, I'm trying to look like a writer and then maybe I'll actually start writing more rsrsrs

@S0ur_Patch ✔ (Verified) I have a whole set of photos for that now. A friend was visiting here and had an eye for that stuff. I got a truckload of bio worthy pics now. :D

@mix.exe %8LdT2BGeSo+Q1yjJHYzYpU/9eKufLQF4vbSXTvbyfPM=.sha256
Voted looking sharp man! great picture!
@mix.exe %DCZsYWbxIHcpU4TKtl1Gc4mmCcHOOCvHRVk+qHsXYu0=.sha256
Voted [@SoapDog (Macbook Air M1)](@qv10rF4IsmxRZb7g5ekJ33EakYBpdrmV/vtP1ij5BS4=.e
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