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@Soapy mcSoap %XC07ZMutQNPPH+1DKFI7QHXJYjdN5mE1WwKhoA0KpKw=.sha256
Re: %TTe669pCu

@cblgh thanks a ton for the kind words my friend. I'm attempting the "fake it till you make it" method of looking good and healthy. I do feel better when I'm out and about town doing these writer cosplays.

@dinoworm 🐛 raaaawwwr! :D ahuauhahuauhahu

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@Soapy mcSoap %gl/5PTKyvrr27sD9zxZyV7nDg3e3jIw+264qPU6Dl/A=.sha256

@Ladislas I like turtle necks but I'm too short and too chubby to wear them. They look a lot better in tall skinny people rsrsrs. Let me get into a proper gym for a while and then you'll see me go full mastermind with a turtle neck.

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