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@Soapy mcSoap %hgG3KCgofWfU2Q6ZVLQ2XpkIfp2KOFj3yc3YJ9u+N1c=.sha256
Re: %TTe669pCu

@Nico thanks a ton. Been a long journey here and I'm not half way there yet. At least, I'm making progress. :D

@hoody@table manners thanks my friend, I'm trying to look like a writer and then maybe I'll actually start writing more rsrsrs

@S0ur_Patch ✔ (Verified) I have a whole set of photos for that now. A friend was visiting here and had an eye for that stuff. I got a truckload of bio worthy pics now. :D

@Matt Lorentz (phone) %tTudqtyab3c6UY7e2Kn5GQpUVDQy75rzLc/58jSDAQk=.sha256
Voted [@Nico](@Y5RjRCg8PMKBWDqM5CFbgIp5b0S06oASiWtBp9eSq+g=.ed25519) thanks a ton
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