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@cel-desktop %uM9XLuBchQ5NlJgSu+CoolPWNgxDBfTDKZvBWIwjoMk=.sha256

Database rights

A database right is a sui generis property right, comparable to but distinct from copyright, that exists to recognise the investment that is made in compiling a database, even when this does not involve the "creative" aspect that is reflected by copyright. Such rights are often referred to in the plural: database rights.

How do database rights apply to SSB and/or other #p2p databases?

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@cel %syrJhZj4GRsJ4PHOo14z/rKSv92qd0jMMU4YA3i1QY4=.sha256

Miller, Elizabeth S. (2012) "Doctoring the Law of Nonprofit Associations with a Band-aid or a Body Cast: A Look at the 1996 and 2008 Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Acts," William Mitchell Law Review: Vol. 38 : Iss. 2 , Article 3.

PDF (490 KiB): &D8ynYxN...

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@Dominic %QJmDXqhXshtyhnNgZ3NDifIKUeji8nDMnle9ydZot/k=.sha256

It would appear that the Trump administration is being sued for blocking critics on twitter

They argue that since the trump account is being used for official statements and public discussion, that blocking these people is a violation of their first amendment rights.

You can read the actual complaint here:

It's a complaint for "DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF" which means they want to court to say who is right (declaratory) and make trump unblock them (injunctive), i think.

@cel %Wx0g7VJJuEFWMZbk2CCm4Vria9fWlNz5jjuPP0k/T74=.sha256
Re: %FpuMOJOe7

sounds like a cool talk.
thanks to eff's prompting, as a u.s. person i called and left a voicemail message for my rep just an hour ago

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