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@SoapDog %1saA/Pw43L8IyNHJxNOkbyS0jQkoRm/jA5zVovchUWs=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO


I don't personally know you or @gb and is not up to me to judge proposals but I think you're approaching this through the wrong footing.

We all know the grants process is not perfect but it is working. I had a proposal rejected (missed the deadline for some hours, common timezone mistake), I reapplied and used that time to make my proposal better.

There are many people here offering help to @gb with her proposal. In couple weeks it is the next month already, this is good time for refining things. If some people felt that the proposal was too vague, then this extra time working with those people can help make it more clear to them.

I don't have a clue why you talk in terms of boys clubs and politics here. I've been working with FOSS foundations and been grantee from large foundations before, the kind of stuff that happens there is politics, this here is actually quite welcoming.

@ev I think you're making a disservice to @gb by discouraging her from applying. You're the only one here that is saying that she will never receive a grant. Besides you, all I see are offers of help and requests from reapplication. If people didn't want it, they'd never ask for her to reapply.

These accusations of sexism are quite serious and I am a bit offended by them as some who has been a part of the grant process. Not only you're implying people have no morals, but you're both diminishing GB and everyone else who ever received a grant.

When I received my grant, I didn't knew anyone here. I am not the brightest coder, most of you are better than I am in this. I don't speak perfect English or walk with influential people. And I got a grant because I listened to feedback, used my time to make my proposal better and reapplied.

Stop pushing this conspiracy theory, it is FUD. Instead focus your attention and action into making things better, the advise you should be giving anyone here, regardless of gender, is that it is quite frustrating to be rejected, but you shouldn't give up, you're not alone here, and people can help.

Heck, to get funding from Ford Foundation, I've spent a whole year trying to convince them. We got to show tentative proposals, get criticized, rework, re-apply, for a whole year! We didn't get to call them sexists, conspiratory, clubs... we used their input to make our stuff better and so should you.

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