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Re: %Rm7Bo44sE

re: %Lsocm+5... %jthKri6...

In Patchbay, you used to be able to publish arbitrary messages - if you wrote a valid JSON object as a message text, it would be used as-is instead of being turned into a post-type message. So you could publish an opt-in message {"type":"about","about":"YOUR_ID","publicWebHosting":true}, filling in your key id (@…ed25519) for YOUR_ID. I don't know if Patchbay still allows this though. You could also use sbotc to publish the message, which may or may not be easier to install than sbot: sbotc publish '{"type":"about"…}'.

The night after I deployed this change, I dreamed I met with a woman who worked at Twitter (?), and she was telling me how she had been instructed to follow some feeds (?) and there was a problem with them that she was having trouble with. She said "we lost a lot of ranking". She gestured to emphasize the difference in level of access to view and to edit (?); I responded by saying, well, email is the same way, you cannot change an email after it is sent. Then I was shown their "proprietary gateway" which was a Macintosh Plus running off a floppy disk, with the monitor removed / papered-over and a phone-line connection on the front. #dreams

I apologize to everyone who has shared, or is attempting to follow, links to that are now effectively broken.

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