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@mix %2BgE+N9IkRRRyRIyp2jz/Ltl9YMwdcRE8Xl0rax3neY=.sha256
Re: %WO7WjRFL6

past couple of days have been largely out by more sickness. Did a couple of hours or code, but decent chunks of time were also given to :

  • participating in maintenance grants / volunteerism conversation
  • helping @piet with setting strategy with his ssb-mobile grant.


Just published scuttle-gathering@1.1.0 which I'm very happy about.

  • Rad tests, supporting some mmmm refactoring.
  • Simple aliases in the API now added (see if you can guess what they do!):
var scuttle = require('scuttle-gathering')(server), cb)
scuttle.put(key, opts, cb)
scuttle.attending(key, boolean, cb)

scuttle.get(key, cb)
// calls back with a nicely reduced state of the gathering
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