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@cel %2W+0lDVblqmWBlbWvHyqCBpwrwzNv4aFz6XbnurW6pQ=.sha256

Libera.Chat IRC project registration

Group contacts selection summary

In thread %qdjRohT..., nominations were made for group contacts, and likes/upvotes were used to second nominations and show support.

Domain verification

Domain verification is started here:

Confirm group contacts

Please like/upvote the following message to show support for this set of group contacts:

To express dissent, please unvote/downvote the following message, and/or write a public post, or private post, as you feel may be appropriate.

@cel %Li2r71UUcbDYX/4PVpdoR14RnpWKEhodC8b+7e7RLjI=.sha256

Group contacts for #scuttlebutt (Secure Scuttlebutt) Libera.Chat project: @cel, @cryptix, @adhoc, @myf

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