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@Christian Bundy %31vQzkAo8deps2SZ1UiaMeve7zQ4oX1lOJQCnkmtnC0=.sha256
Re: %Xq+v2C2XJ


Thanks! I'll see whether I can get that working in my Node process. I've never heard of #crystal before!

It seems to me that some sort of "blob unboxing" might be useful here, where you could set content to a blob ID and have it unboxed like private messages. I imagine this would have a few neat side-effects:

  • feeds remain tiny and blobs can be deleted at any time
  • private messages appear to all be the same size (just the blob ID)
  • massively simplifies message verification
  • post size limit is circumvented

Parallel discussion: %8mNey2J...

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