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@cel %32wjclK8Mnip8NA3OVB/lvyiAkvODWFwzJq/3MAc2lM=.sha256
Re: %QR+g7Rrtl

@dominic I withdraw the goals list.

Incorporating your suggestions:

[3] They may also publish an explanation of how they decided the names and amounts, if they want to.

The Allocators announce their goals and expectations of maintainers, and what their basic criteria will be for deciding amounts.

For full transparency, all communications may be public. I assumed that the Allocators would find it helpful to communicate in private to make decisions.

An option for Accounting: The Principal makes payments to Maintainers according to the Allocation, or assigns responsibility to do this to someone else; the one who does this is "The Payer". When the Payer makes a payment, they record in a ledger the payee name, date, amount, payment type, and the id of the most recent ssb message that authorized the payment or is otherwise most relevant to it. They store this ledger in a public git-ssb repo and push changes to it after making payments.

Template for request for change (new maintainer):

author: @maintainer7

Request for change

@allocator1 @allocator2 @allocator3 @allocator4

I would like to be added to the maintainers allocation. I am maintaining [project1](link) and [project2](link). Recent activity: %msg1 %msg2

Template for change (new maintainer):

author: @allocator1

Allocation change.

Added: @maintainer1  $400

[Explanation of change]

Previous change: %msg

@allocator1 @allocator2 @allocator3 @allocator4

Template for reallocation:

author: @allocator1

Allocation for 2018-01

@maintainer1 : $618
@maintainer2 : $382
@maintainer3 : $236
@maintainer4 : $146
@maintainer5 : $90
@maintainer6 : $56
@maintainer7 : $34

[Explanation of changes]

Previous reallocation: %msg1. Changes since then: %msg2 %msg3 %msg4

Allocators: @allocator1 @allocator2 @allocator3 @allocator4
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