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@dan %4IvRh+qWr3uVT3hyvuQ+HaysaWxB+IlQ9xR4E/6FlSY=.sha256

Experiment 003: MMT Internal Economy - Coconut Death Roleplay - week 2018-04-10



@peg led out this 2 week Experiment.


MMT folks managing internal economy is good thing & we all want that.


We have recently set up a long term wallet which will hold more funds and we decided will require more signatures. This gives more security, but means if something bad happens to us or our keys theres a greater risk of using access to our funds.

To test our key-backup system using our truename tool we are going to role play a terrible story where we loose access to the wallet and need to retrieve the missing keys.

The main reporting for the Coconut death roleplay can be found here

Previous Experiments

[Experiment 000] MMT Internal Economy: Multi-sig Discussion

[Experiment 001] BTC pay experiment - week 2018-03-19

[Exp 002] BTC pay experiment - week 2018-03-26

Purpose of this thread

The purpose of this thread is to act as an index to outcomes from this Experiment. Please refrain from posting to allow for a clear Index to related discussion and reporting posts.

cc: #mmt-experiments

@dan %cAoxCcbBP0kM4A1wcT/5pKF9pwBPOScxZVTmFeB2ogQ=.sha256

MMT Summary

Here is a quick summary of the main threads over this fortnight Experiment. It was a chunky one!

@Alanna on the Data needed for weekly pays. This is more generally about starting to map out the needs of a group working with a multisig wallet - it's likely these will form the basis of user stories for our multisig software (if that's the direction we go!)

@peg wrote a quick guide on Using Electrum's 'Pay to many' functionality.

@Dan Hassan forked alannas thread Report: Tools for Transparency & Accountability. This is not alannas first time round the rodeo, nor the second, nor the third. Here is a quick overview of related projects in our neighbourhood.

dan and @Kieran on Setting up Bitcoin locally to manually make a bitcoin multisig wallet

peg responded to dan and kierans explorations by posting about Getting information out of 'raw' partially signed multi-signature bitcoin transactions

dan did some blockchain analysis on one of the mmt wallets. it was bound to happen at some point that an address or some private information would be posted publicly. by electing to work with a public blockchain and by electing to organise on bleeding edge p2p protocol (ssb) it was only a matter of time... this thread starts to unfold what it is possible to find out about wallets when an address is revealed.

peg on to centralise or not to centralise broke out into a fascinating discussion touching on the pros and cons of encouraging financial flows into ssb, on sharding and social backups as well as the beginnings of some specific directions the mmt can take moving forward. it was first here that we have started unpacking the possibility of a fusion of ssb with a btc multisig wallet.

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