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@Meri %4sHOgXTT6thbC5Z3FSSYyLFipjZKju/RAGdd2t0Zinc=.sha256

Joining this network to understand SSB a bit better. I’m working on an participatory media platform for radical organisers and keen to connect with people who are interested in liberatory tech. #newpeople

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@Rabble %1jCXkrr6BssbSxlrbfQ1m6l1mRk0a166xSUM+d3aziQ=.sha256


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@Rabble %SQRUemytrzTbnve0G2wlhihU6lkxckMP/om+TUKU7eA=.sha256

Meri I’m super curious what you’re working on as it is a problem I’ve tried to tackle repeatedly for decades. With mixed results unfortunately.

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