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@mmckegg %54HJOdrfREhGI0UJUpc54jqugQCq7caVExEzgyM43JU=.sha256
Re: %YshVpy9UQ


My questions now, are what does @matt think is the situation he works best in, and how might that overlap with what ssb needs? if there was a process to best facillitate (patchwork) maintainance, would @matt want to lead that?

I work best when I have short tasks with fairly immediate results (or can at least see an end in sight). I am most motivated by things "as-they-come-up" and trying to deal with them sooner rather than later. If things sit for too long, I tend to stop caring enough to deal with them.

My favorite way to work on Patchwork is watching out for things that suck, and then just fixing them on the spot.

Lately, I have been trying to apply this to incoming pull requests too. But rather than just pulling them in and doing the work to merge them, I've been trying to help others to do this by giving suggestions on the PR reviews. Hopefully this is helping other people to start understanding more about what needs to be done in Patchwork to maintain my desired level of "quality".

I am happy to continue doing that and hopefully start writing more of the contribution guide as issues come up. Hopefully this will allow me to over time hand off more responsibility.

But at the moment, I would very like to receive a small passive income as an acknowledgement of my contributions to the scuttleverse. I don't see this so much as changing what I am already doing, but it will at least cover me to be able to be more flexible in my work life and therefore have more time available to patchwork tinkering, maintenance and management (and more likely to be able to accept the immediacy of a problem that comes up and deal with it right then).

I guess based on that, I would be happy to accept the official title of patchwork maintainer for say, 1 year. After this, who knows. We'll see in a year :smile:

As far as an amount I would be interested in, I think that the equivalent of around 3 ssbc-grants stretched out over the year would do it!

cc @mix

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