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@Rabble %MD/dXodM3XWUQRxCVHoyd+1lQXCGtwjqRB2XjBaFf4c=.sha256

We’re switching to using a branch of #oasis as a viewer instead of the older and not so widely maintained ssb-viewer. That said we did get viewer working behind an nginx proxy. I don’t remember any funky configuration required.

@cel-phone %5xmOlhJj+bEQs6lUc2Ws6xNvjK6Xe6inBvI5DyemCRI=.sha256

@DarkDragon I do. You have to URL-encode the message ids. nginx doesn't allow them since it's technically an invalid URL to use % for anything other than percent-encoding.

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@cel-desktop %3uKaBh7W3iBEke7iPks61bDTX8MZIf7q3wXv3aFmh/A=.sha256

Reposting %5xmOlhJ... from @cel-phone:

@DarkDragon I do. You have to URL-encode the message ids. nginx doesn't allow them since it's technically an invalid URL to use % for anything other than percent-encoding.

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