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@Josh Musick %5CK2wgX66PcLzg6MWKy1B+MOOGx36uT1Ln9rQ0b6JIY=.sha256

Sunday Jams No. 16: A Grain of Truth | NuRAD Wind controller jam — Brandon Dorris

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@Josh Musick %YBImEtFb58OVVi4KUBKvzuJa1qlPKO7mNWquDIUfcos=.sha256

I just now saw this update. Super stoked you enjoyed it. The time dynamics of SSB are bonkers. 🙂

@Rabble %gGNs4yAAM5jzZYoVr4vo3SME8JH1+Ii8JXKWZToWmnM=.sha256

Josh Musick yeah it’s slow social media. We’re actually are moving to de-emphasize timestamps and immediacy. The messages eventually get to you.

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