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@Soapy mcSoap %5VvX2Td+MsaA2uYu6beDOxGWZuc/7fP90bTmaSib4kc=.sha256
Re: %9snVZ3RMf

This script could be patched to be an interactive script prompting the user if they want to unfollow each pub. Or it could simply unfollow all of them (crude, I know) and hope for the best.

There is no other tool to do quick SSB scripts. The only comparable alternative is firing NodeJS, but that will require some boilerplate code to load keys, start a client connected to the running server, etc... moon hermit is a binary requiring no boilerplate. Lua is an easier language to learn than JS.

If you want to help Project Moon Hermit development, please join my ko-fi.

PS: Some of the Lua scripts included in the repository use third-party Lua libraries that can be installed using luarocks.

PPS: At the moment Moon Hermit relies on some local Lua files. I'll find a way to embed them in the binary at some point in the future, right now you need to keep them next to the binary.

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