hey @Dan Hassan I stated some strong opinions. I'm keen to check in on whether you have any pushback on them or where we're at.
Interesting learning: I did a speed-run of @Alanna through the multi-sig setup (because we both had a shit sleep, and I didn't want to hold this experiment up).
Alanna said "do I have to use KeePass or can I just use my password manager". I said "I don't know, I can't comment on it, don't know if we have a list of ok / not ok password managers yet. Sure, use your password manager"
So here's the bit interesting for the experiment :
- you now have a multisig wallet but we've not talked about which password managers we trust
- where's the bit where we do a security audit on ourselves?
This isn't meant as a singling out of Alanna. I think it's a very real world case. I was a bit hurried, and we could be fine, or I could have just comprimised the security of our shared wallet. Woop!