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@cel %6qMOJZwJDrcWsm9cgOE7Kxmp2gJek8XRSG0riquu6wo=.sha256
Re: %b6nlgiAu3

with zeroconf, peers broadcast queries and respond to queries that they see broadcasted. this is a more standard way of doing local peer discovery.

sbot local peer discovery is basically just hello packets repeatedly broadcasted (every 10 seconds) - there is no query/response.

UPnP is used to tell the router on your network to forward a port to you from the WAN. eventually we might want to use this to let home nodes automatically become pubs.

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@cel %5bQsrn70BJ4robNUufpDU0yijZB4ARQ0jVyajb6K9CY=.sha256

@ub|k Could be. or sbot could be broadcasting the wrong address. (i have seen this happen). if you have sbot running on one machine on the network, you could try netcat on another machine to see if it is getting the UDP packets: nc -l -u -p 8008

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