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@Christian Bundy %6ut9dE74bC7Ii+Zj7/XOWjKTEVXdWR8zZ0SUPVhFejA=.sha256
Re: %rciFuVmIA


You're right, the metadata aspect is critical. I'll focus on the basic stuff for now, like merging those PRs, but it sounds like patchcore's blob input might be a good place to start once I start working on the plugin itself. Thanks for all the help.

Do you have any input/opinions on _unbox(blobs.get(x)) versus blobs.get(_unbox(x))? Or should we just use one unboxer per message, letting the unboxer call secondary functions if necessary? If multiple unboxers want to work on the same message we'd get a race condition, but fixing that may be a premature optimization.

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