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@mix %6zGfLFCINxDDw106/ZqIbPTxH1LCBmA2sGKXDrMtx/I=.sha256
Re: %YshVpy9UQ

Thanks for that @matt, really good to read that.
A piece that reflects for me here is that I've been citiquing Matt for getting caught up maintaining "the main client" but I've barely helped where I could of. Specifically I've only made one installer for Patchbay, even though there have been a bunch of updates since, and I haven't added any way to use invite codes in the interface - because I assume Patchbay is a second-stop!

I'd really love to be part of a push to make, maintain, and advertise installers for all major clients. People should have fun and realise that client are like different linux distros...

I agree about the need for design, onboarding, and long term thinking. Who wants to do some of it instead of talking about it? Doing it probably involves getting some financial stability and starting to lead out on it as a hobby project to help people understand the terrain.

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