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On Mon, 11 Sep 2017 15:09:00 -0600
Nathan Schneider wrote:


We're now accepting registrations for the 2017 Platform Cooperativism
conference at The New School on November 10-11. This year we're bringing
leaders from outside our usual suspects into the conversation, from #BlackLivesMatter founder Alicia Garza to leaders of the legacy co-op
movement like Howard Brodsky. We've also got a great group of startups
showcasing their projects. Please register and spread the word about
this. We need your help.

Note that there's a $20 registration fee this year, while previous years
it has been free. This is an effort to share some of the costs of the
event more widely, while keeping it as affordable as possible. If this
is too much for anyone, we can find a way to accommodate.

Looking forward to seeing lots of you in New York!


I'm going to be in NY November 1 - 20, so I will plan to go to this event.

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